Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Consumer Safety, philosophy homework help

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Consumer Safety:

Chickens raised in factory farms run the risks of contracting diseases quicker in that they’re bundled and contained in a coop that doesn’t allow much room for them to roam.  The chickens aren’t treated well and so, when they die they could be lying there for days before being removed from the chicken coop.  Sick chickens can also cause a spreading of anything they may have to other chickens very quickly forcing them to possibly pass on that sickness to humans.  Although, the factory farming industry and killing of chickens for consumption may not be one to end anytime soon, there are better ways that can be enforced to better care for the chickens.

“The negative health consequences of America’s meat…..In order to produce this enormous amount of meat and dairy for consumption in the United States, ten billion animals must be raised and slaughtered each year. In order to house this volume of animals at the least cost to the producer, intensive confinement systems called “factory farms” have been created. As factory farms have found ways to cut costs and drive out competitors, it has come at the expense of the animals’ welfare and the consumers’ health. For instance, increasing the number of animals per square foot—in order to maximize efficiency and profits—increases disease and contamination, as well as animal suffering. The widespread use of antibiotics that are employed to prevent the illnesses inherent in such crowded and unsanitary conditions results in antibiotic-resistant bacteria that threaten the efficacy of antibiotics used to treat humans. Dangerous growth hormones and unnatural feed that are used to artificially speed up the animals’ growth process and increase output sicken not only the animals but also the humans who consume them” (Stathopoulos, 2010, p. 409).

The well-being of the chickens for meat production is not just for them but, more for the sake of the human race that relies on meat for daily consumption.  Perhaps, it’s something that should be considered on a more serious note.  After all, if someone important were to get extremely ill and eventually passed due to consuming bad meat, I’m sure the health of chickens in factory farms would be taken more serious.

In Mill’s defining of utilitarianism, its moral good is for pleasure in the way that happiness can be obtained from physical or noble satisfactions.  This can be done by increasing pleasure/reducing suffering, applications that result not only to oneself but also in as many ways as possible, or result that from any means made them possible (Zunigy y Postigo, 2015).  The killing of chickens may be horrific however, many people depend on meat for a daily consumption and it’s not something that can just be turned off but, rather would likely take a more slowly transition.


Stathopoulos, A. S. (2010). You are what your food eats: How regulation of factory farm conditions could improve human health and animal welfare alike. Legislation and Public Policy, 407-444.

Zuniga y Positgo, G. (2015). The moral good in three traditional ethical theories. PowerPoint Slides.

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