Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. 1 to 2 paged double spaced paper

Watch the film attached on the link below and please write a 1-2 page, double-spaced paper, on ONE of the following questions:

(1.) The first presidential campaign that Lee Atwater worked on was President Ronald Reagan’s 1980 campaign. Despite being from California, then candidate Reagan successfully won the support of white Southern voters, who propelled his campaign to victory. How did Atwater help Reagan achieve this feat?

(2.) The 1988 presidential general election between George H.W. Bush and Michael Dukakis is one of the events discussed in Boogie Man: The Lee Atwater Story. One of the challenges that the Bush campaign faced was winning the support of blue-collar voters despite his elite background (wealthy family, Yale education) and “wimpy” image. How did Lee Atwater help Bush overcome this public image?

(3.) Lee Atwater is known for being a mastermind of “dog whistle” politics in which two different voter demographics are exposed to the same message, but each hears it differently due to different cultural contexts. Using the Willie Horton ad as an example, how might a working-class white voter from Mississippi view this ad differently from a working-class white voter in Massachusetts?…

Humanities Homework Help

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