Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. What is the difference between immediate perception of ideas and actual experience, psychology homework help

Please respond to each classmate in 150-200 words using APA format. There are two questions. Respond to each separately. I will also post the original question asked to everyone, but it does not need to be answered. A response is only needed for the statements labeled 1 and 2.

Original Question asked to everyone:

Descartes uses the terms “clear” and “distinct” to explain certain immediate perceptions. What is the difference between immediate perception of ideas and actual experience? Why are the two accounts so different?

Classmate responses:

1 The difference between immediate perception and actual experience is perception is based on emotion and not always true to fact. A person who experiences the actual event is present at the time of the event while emotion is still present they can speak to facts. For example, when a person experiences a car accident the person involved can recall the event and what led up to the accident in most cases. Any person present can speak on the event as to what led up to the accident however perceiving what occurred. People viewing the incident from the outside looking in will state events that led up to the accident speaking from perspective views which are not always factual as to why the incident is documented and evaluated by multiple witnesses and investigating officials. Cognitive competence guides the processing of information which contributes to the way people view the world and response to what the person experiences (Polkinghorne,1994).

2 Descartes focused his theoretical framework on a mimetic model suggesting that ideas are a result of stimulus objects that excite corporeal responses and establish the route to the brain on a perceptual basis (Polkinghorne, 1994). While Descartes contributed plausible inferences for understanding the perfunctory processes of the quantifiable realm of idea development, in my view, this theory miscarried the opportunity to comprehensively address the incongruency of object interpretation. I am left asking if merely unconsciously perceiving an object is the key to true knowledge or if interface and involvement with objects serve as a proper catalyst for knowing. Representations with no constituent of cognizant reference can be subjectively construed, thus impacting and arousing implications regarding actual experience. Immediate perception appears to be representational, while actual experience is structured around practicality. In daily life we see and process many things, but how many of those things can provide us with justified true beliefs if we have no real experience with them?

Humanities Homework Help

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