Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. HST101 women’s role during the industrial revolution

I just wanted to give you some guidance on the research assignment as you are all working on that now. I will do the same for the exams on Monday.

The Research Assignment is due on Saturday night and as you are working on that please read closely the directions on what I am looking for in the assignment. There are three major components to the assignment: the introductory paragraph that includes your thesis, the bibliographic entry of your three sources, and the discussion of the three sources. The bibliographic entry nobody will have a problem with since you have just done it for the Bibliography Assignment, but pay close attention to the instructions on the discussion of the three sources you choose. The most common mistake students make there is they simply do not write enough. The instructions call for a page of discussion FOR EACH SOURCE. Sometimes students either do not understand that or choose to simply ignore it. For full credit you must have a page of discussion for each entry so please keep that in mind. The last component, the introductory paragraph and thesis, is self-explanatory, but sometimes students struggle with their thesis statement. Again, read closely the directions of the assignment and if you see that you have written “This paper will examine…” stop immediately and go back and write it again. I am well aware that in abstracts for science and medical fields that you are expected to do that, but those statements are not research paper thesis statements. The easiest way for me to explain what a thesis statement is in a research paper is to say that it is the answer to your research question. For example, if you are researching why Stalin ordered the murder of so many Russians in the 20th century, your thesis statement will be your answer to that question.

Also, you could simply look up on the net on countless university websites examples of thesis statements so feel free to do that as well.

If anybody has any questions feel free to send me an email and good luck on the assignment

Humanities Homework Help

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