Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Topic paper: Multiple Sclerosis

A research paper will be due by the end of the semester (Dec.8) that will be a Biochemistry related Genetic Disease topic. The Professor will assign the topic to each student at the beginning of the semester. The paper will be 1000-2000 words (5-10 pages) in length, double-spaced, 12 point Times New Roman font, using MLA / APA format. A detailed format for the research paper will be provided by the instructor at the beginning of the semester. The papers must be submitted to “Turnitin”


1. Etiology

2. Epidemiology

3. Pathophysiology

4. Symptoms & Signs

5. Diagnosis

6. Treatment

7. Prognosis

INTRODUCTION: The introduction should include a definition of the topic from
either an anatomical and/or a physiological perspective. It should be brief
describing the organ system/s affected and whether its’ origin is derived from
a genetic/congenital, developmental, environmental or behavioral causation.

BODY OF THE PAPER: The body of the research paper should include the
following discussion areas:
a) a detailed description of the anatomic abnormality of the system/s
b) a detailed description of the alteration in normal physiology and
impact on the physiological state created by the abnormality
c) what differentiating characteristics are seen between males and
females with this condition if appropriate
d) any potential abnormalities that may be passed on to the next
e) a generalized discussion of treatment for the patient
f) a discussion of the prognosis for the patient

CONCLUSION: The conclusion should summarily state what the abnormality is,
what significant changes it has created in human anatomy & physiology and
what the prognosis is for a patient with this problem.
The paper should utilize either APA formatting, New Times Roman, 12 point
Font and be at least 5 pages in length. You should have a minimum of 3 peer
reviewed references and proper citations.

Humanities Homework Help

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