Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. assignment Art

Line, value, color, texture, pattern, shape, volume, space, motion, and chance exist all around you in nature and in the things that humans make and build. Look to your surroundings: from the computer you’re working on to the leaves on the trees! These are all described as Formal Elements, sometimes called Visual Elements.

For this assignment, please read the section in the textbook/MindTap:

For MindTap: Ch 2; Formal Elements, from Line…….all the way to Unity and Variety.

For the hardcopy textbook: Reference Chapter 2, pages 24- 45.

This assignment will specifically address these Visual Elements:visual elements list

1. Look for the formal/visual elements around you and record them with your phone camera.

For example, look to the lines of tree limbs, tall grasses, human hair, veins in leaves, tile, wood floors, fabric patters, fencing patterns, tangles of power cords, ribbons, spaghetti, highway lane markings, light poles, power lines, and so on. You will notice a lot of the examples make up lines, which is a very common visual element. I just used line as an example, but you may choose to explore and “find” any of the visual elements listed in the textbook.

2. After you have collected twelve to fifteen examples, make a “visual diary” of all you have found.

You will be creating your own “visual diary” or collection of photos (as seen in my example of Line below). Follow these steps: (1) You will have to take your own photos, (2) arrange them just as you see below. You may have as many collections as you would like. The example below is considered one collection.

3. Explain (in text or video) how your images are examples of the visual element that you are describing.

In other words; if you are showing us images with the visual element of line, make sure to describe how the image creates line.

ALSO- you may choose your own Visual Element from the textbook (Chapter 2, pgs 24- 45 or the list above) to take photos of (it does not have to be line, as in my example).

Please do not upload a file of any sort; instead embed your images directly into the text of your assignment.

Example: Below is one collection, with a few photos all showing examples of the visual element: LINE

IMG_0221 copy.jpg


    1. Upload the layout (visual diary).
    2. Tell me which Visual Element it shows (has to be from the textbooks list)- please list the visual element you used.
    3. A brief description of how the images you are showing all fit into that visual element. This may be typed or video recorded.

      How do I record a video using the Rich Content Editor? (Links to an external site.)

The goal for this assignment is to view the world around you, and to find visual elements in that world. I guarantee you, they are everywhere!

Not sure how to embed images? This video will help.

Humanities Homework Help

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