Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. PSY0007 Review Scholarly Articles

Each of the following assigned articles (located under your weekly resources) was chosen to introduce you to examples of research that have been conducted in the subspecialty areas of child and adolescent development.

  • Cognitive – Haimovitz & Dweck (2016); Tarver, Daley, & Sayal (2014)
  • Social/emotional – Bernier, Beauchamp, Carlson, & Lalonde (2015); Konishi & Saewyc (2014); Sherman, et al. (2016)
  • Sociocultural – Atzaba-Poria & Pike (2015)
  • Physical – Tanner & Finn-Stevenson (2002)

Once you have read the assigned articles (ASSIGNED ARTICLES ATTACHED), you will choose one subspecialty area on which to focus and find two additional peer-reviewed journal articles (either research or review articles are fine) that address that subspecialty area. Then you will prepare a brief review of your two chosen articles. Your brief review should include:

  • A brief statement about which subspecialty area you chose.
  • A summary of the two articles including the key pieces of research and learning points.
  • Your understanding of the concepts in the two articles.
  • A brief explanation of how your two chosen articles exemplify the subspecialty area you chose.
  • Recommendations for future research in this area.

Length: 5-7 pages

References: 2 resources

Your essay should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts that are presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect graduate-level writing and APA standards.

Humanities Homework Help

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