Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Theodicy feedback

Fir this assignment please provide meaningful feedback in 220 words:

Among the four different views of the human problem which include Stoic, Christian, Buddhist, and Confucian, I agree with the Christian view . In the Christian view, they see themselves as broken. Christians have a brokenness that can be fixed with God. Although you will sin, you will be introduced to God and he will be their for you in your world. “The gospel is all about God and what God has done. God introduces life into the world, and when we rebel, God saves us. When we sin against God, God pays for our sins. When we sin against one another, God gives the grace of restoration.” The cure is to admit that you are a sinner. Admit that you commit acts of sin. After you admit, you need to believe that God will guide you into the future of your life and lead you into a path. From here, you have to want to choose to put your faith into him. This is the one I agree wit the most because this is easy for followers to understand and for anyone who is interested in this religion to comprehend. This is the easiest to relate to and understand compared to Stoic, Buddhist, and Confucian.

The theodicy that makes the most sense would be the Process Theodicy. This is the theory that God is changing and is in the universe. Most of these theories listed went against Christian faith, but for this assignment, this was the one that made the most sense out of the ones listed.

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