Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. please follow the instructions and please no plagarism need the work on time


  • Write you response as a research analysis with explanation and APA Format
  • Share the code and the plots
  • Put your name and id number
  • Upload Word document and ipynb file from google colab

HW06 Cover Sheet – Analyze the following dataset

  1. Analyze the Iris dataset with
    • -Iris_SVM.ipynb
    • -Iris_PCA_LDA.ipynb
  2. Breast Cancer Dataset

Deliverable – your own research paper with analysis

Predict heart disease in patients –

Start with exploratory data analysis

  • Decision Trees
  • Random Forest
  • SVM (Linear Kernel)
  • SVM (RBF Kernel)
  • Compute & Display Precision, Recall, and RoC for the classifiers

You should have your own conclusions and references in the end

Humanities Homework Help

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