Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. write a script for my interviewing techniques class

Write a script of a MI where you are the interviewer and you are interviewing someone about a bad habit s/he has that s/he would like to break or that someone else thinks s/he should break. The only habit you CANNOT use is drinking since I already did a decisional balance chart in class with you for that.

Since it’s an interview, it should follow IRONIC. Because it’s a MI, you will need to make sure that you use OARS and that you roll with resistance, DO NOT offer advice/solutions, and promote self-efficacy.

Here’s an example from the middle of an interview for MI with a person who wants to stop drinking:

IER (Interviewer): If you did decide to stop drinking, what do you think you might be able to do as a step in that direction – however small a step it might be?

IEE (Interviewee): I’m not sure, maybe I could take a different route home? That would mean I wouldn’t go by the bar and be tempted to stop in for a drink.

IER: That is a great idea! How do you see that first step creating a change for you?

IEE: Well, if I see the bar and I’ve had a bad day, I usually figure I deserve to have a drink. Or, if I had a good day, I feel like I deserve a drink for that. So, really, not going by the bar will cut all that out, and I won’t go to the bar, I won’t sit there for a few hours drinking, and I won’t get in my car afterward and possibly drive while I’ve had too much to drink….

While this doesn’t have to be a long script, it needs to include all the parts of IRONIC and should show that you understand all of the parts of what a MI is and how each part is used. A template is attached for you to use to complete the assignment.

Humanities Homework Help

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