Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. English literature

I attached 2 short story. You have to choose one and write about the author and the the short story in the powerpoint.

Please follow these guidelines:

1. A biography of the author will be an important part of the presentation (but shall comprise no more than 50% of said presentation). This will obviously include standard biographical information, such as birth, family life, education, notable accomplishments and awards, and date and cause of death.

2. A brief overview of the entire literary career of the author is also a crucial component of this presentation. Note things such as length of career, any training or preparation for their literary career, any innovations in terms of literary technique, how the author fits into their respective literary tradition, as well as contributions to the field of literature as a whole (with particular attention paid to any contributions to the development of the short story as a genre).

3. Additionally, you will discuss the importance of the assigned short story in their literary career. In some cases, the story may not be incredibly important at all, while in other cases, it may be of dire importance.

4. Finally, you have to include information on either a literary innovation, technique, artistic movement, or something crucial related to the author and/or the story.

5. You must properly cite any sources you use. Please be sure that you are using proper MLA format.

Humanities Homework Help

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