Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Blue Ridge Mountain Disability Project Case Study

Formulate a case study on a client with a disability 10-12 pages (not including references). Include headings

Case Study guidelines

1. Client’s identifying and demographic information (i.e., client’s age, gender, disability, education, employment, ethnicity, family composition, marital or partner status, socio/economic information, information regarding adoption, foster family, group home or institutional care for self or immediate family members)

2. Presenting problems and symptoms (i.e., include both disability and non-disability related reasons (if applicable) for seeking out the agency’s services or reason for referral, referral source, history of presenting problem or situation and symptoms associated with the presenting problem).

3. Background information and mental health status/psychosocial history (i.e., client’s developmental history, family developmental history, medical history, and current health status to include history of substance abuse, educational history, history of previous treatment, employment history)

4. Functioning (i.e., current level of ADL’s in addition to social, academic, occupational, community performance etc.)

5. Assessment (i.e., instruments used to assess the situation or behavior of the client, outcome of assessment instruments illustrating the interactions of biological, psychological, and social factors). Mental status exam or psychosocial should be included as an appendix.

6. Diagnosis (i.e., use of DSM 5 when necessary, to develop a clinical diagnosis or problem formulation to provide the basis for interventions).

7. Client’s unique strengths and challenges due to a disabling society.

8. Risk factors (i.e., description of the risks the client faces due to secondary disability or medical conditions, possible psychiatric diagnoses, unsupervised visits, situations pertaining to his or her residence, work environment, institutionalization, absence from treatment program, etc.)

9. Human diversity (i.e., reflection of how relevant diversity issues reflect the therapeutic process with the client and how to translate your work into more culturally competent practice based on necessary knowledge and skills)

10. Theory-based intervention plan (i.e., definition of the problem, mutually agreed upon goals and objectives, modalities relevant to the early, middle, and late phases of the therapeutic process, and interventions)

11. Resource coordination (i.e., description of client’s needs and coordination of available community resources and support services)

12. Ethical responsibilities (i.e., ethical dilemmas that have arisen or may arise due to conflict of interest, boundaries, dual relationships, scope of competence, personal issues that may interfere with the therapeutic process etc.)

13. Legal obligations (i.e., scope of practice, privileged communication, reporting requirements, involuntary hospitalization, misconduct, or other legal obligations).

14. Questions and concerns to be raised in social work supervision.

The following criteria are used in grading the assignment:

1. Is the writing style academic, professional and technical?

2. Is the information presented comprehensive and well-ordered?

3. Are underlying assumptions clearly stated and justified with research?

4. Are major points clearly thought-out and adequately emphasized?

5. Are alternative explanations considered and understood?

6. Are conclusions supported by appropriate and sufficient evidence?

7. Does the work meet the criteria specified by the guidelines for the assignment?

8. Does the work reflect cultural sensitivity and adherence to the ethical standards of the profession?

9. Is the work well-written and free from spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors?

10. Is APA format used, including non-sexist language and appropriately cited references?

May use from these references below – any references of choice must be within 10-year

Heary, C., Hennessy, E., & Swords, L. (2014). Stigma associated with disease and disability during childhood and adolescence: A developmental approach. In P. Corrigan (Ed.), The stigma of disease and disability: Understanding causes and overcoming injustices (pp. 205-222).

American Psychological Association. Livneh, H., Chan, F., & Kaya, C. (2014). Stigma related to physical and sensory disabilities. In P. Corrigan (Ed.), The stigma of disease and disability: Understanding causes and overcoming injustices (pp. 93-120). American Psychological Association

Stuntzner, S. (2017). Compassion and self-compassion: Conceptualization and application to adjustment to disability. Journal of Applied Rehabilitation Counseling, 48(2), 15-25.

Hemmings, N. Bouras, C. Page 17 of 19 Hemmings, & N. Bouras (Eds.), Psychiatric and behavioral disorders in intellectual and developmental disabilities, (3rd ed., pp. 119-128). Cambridge University Press.

Hatton, C., & Taylor, J. T. (2013). The assessment of mental health problems in adults with intellectual disabilities. In J. L. Taylor, W. R. Lindsay, R. P. Hastings, C. Hatton, J. L. Taylor, W. R. Lindsay, … C. Hatton (Eds.), Psychological therapies for adults with intellectual disabilities (pp. 31-54). Wiley-Blackwell.

Janvier, A., & Watkins, A. (2013). Medical interventions for children with trisomy 13 and trisomy 18: What is the value of a short-disabled life? Acta Paediatrica, 102(12), 1112-1117.

O’Brien, G. V. (2011). Eugenics, genetics, and the minority group model of disabilities: Implications for social work advocacy. Social Work, 56(4), 347-354.

Ballan, M., Freyer, M., & Powledge, L. (2015). Intimate partner violence among men with disabilities: The role of health care providers. American Journal of Men’s Health, 11(5), 1436- 1443.

McEachern, A.G. (2012). Sexual abuse of individuals with disabilities: Prevention strategies for clinical practice. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 21, 386–398.

Sherry, M., & Neller, A. (2016). Intellectual disability, stigma and hate crimes. In K. Scior & S. Werner (Eds). In Intellectual disability and stigma: Stepping out from the margins (pp. 111-126). Palgrave.

Humphries, T., Kushalnagar, P., Mathur, G., Napoli, D. J., Padden, C., Rathmann, C., & Smith, S. (2012). Language acquisition for deaf children: Reducing the harms of zero tolerance to the use of alternative approaches. Harm Reduction Journal, 9, 16. Retrieved from

Parker, M. L., & Molteni, J. (2017). Structural family therapy and autism spectrum disorder: Bridging the disciplinary divide. American Journal of Family Therapy, 45(3), 135-148.

Saxena, M., & Adamsons, K. (2013). Siblings of individuals with disabilities: Reframing the literature through a bioecological lens. Journal of Family Theory and Review, 5(4), 300-316.

Williamson, H., & Perkins, E. A. (2014). Family caregivers of adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities: Outcomes associated with U.S. services and supports. Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 52(2), 147–159.

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