Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. 2,000 Word Essay

Explain, with examples, what Cooley means by the ‘looking-glass self’ and what Goffman means by the ‘presentation of self’. Are the two views intrinsically opposed (if so, why)? Or can they usefully be combined (if so, how)?


-Introduction: Clear and well-written introduction that correctly interprets the question and identifies the key issue to be discussed.

-Body/Evidence/Discussion: Well organised, coherent, show critical awareness of main issues/debates relating to sociological approaches, use of relevant and well-defined sociological perspectives, correct application of concepts to the question and thorough discussion of mets of various approaches, and demonstrates evidence of reflective use of the sociological theory in question. MUST DISCUSS AND EVALUATE RATHER THAN DESCRIBE!

-Conclusion: Address the question, reflection on the relationship between the question and the evidence discussed, and follow the argument presented throughout the work.

-Overall: Must be well structured, organised, well-written and using the Harvard format.

The word limit must be exactly 2,000 words and the paper should be formatted using the Harvard format: [Author, (date) Title, Publisher].

You may use dictionaries of Sociology, Social Science, etc. and textbooks. I have also attached the text for Cooley’s Looking Glass Self and Goffman’s Presentation of Self.


Humanities Homework Help

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