Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. ENG 124 Leonardo DiCaprio Environmental Efforts Essay

For your first paper, CHOOSE A PERSON, GROUP, PLACE, OR EVENT that is central to the social issue you wrote about in your proposal. You will discuss how this group, person, etc. is central to your social issue by explaining the person’s relevant experience, the organization’s mission/goals, the place’s significance to the social issue, or the event’s relevance to the social issue. This is NOT a formal argumentative essay! Instead, you will take a “snapshot” of your profile topic and explain how that topic is pertinent to your social issue. THE EXPLICIT ARGUMENT ON YOUR STANCE ON YOUR ISSUE WILL COME LATER AS A SEPARATE PROJECT (COMMENTARY).

For example, the student who chose the death penalty as her social issue chose the Innocence Project as her profile subject. The Innocence Project is an organization that works to overturn wrongful convictions of inmates. Notice that she discusses how the organization was founded, what the organization does, and specific cases that the organization helped to overturn. Note that the student is NOT yet arguing against the death penalty outright. She is only discussing the innocent project’s contribution to the cause.

As an another example, the student who completed her projects on handwashing decided to profile Myriam Sidibe, a woman who advocates for children to wash their hands to avoid spreading and acquiring oftentimes deadly diseases. Again, this student is not yet arguing that we need to wash our hands; instead, she is discussing only Myriam Sidibe and her contributions to the handwashing cause.

Finally, include a visual of your topic/subject in your profile.

Criteria for the profile essay:

  • 3-4 pages + Works Cited page
  • well integrated quotations/paraphrases
  • clear organization and cohesive paragraphs
  • correctness in grammar and mechanics, adherence to MLA standards
  • engaging style of writing, employing a variety of rhetorical strategies

Humanities Homework Help

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