Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Stonehenge Essay

Dr. Gerald Hawkins, in his book Stonehenge Decoded (adapted into the video that we watched, The Mystery of Stonehenge), argues a particular interpretation of the megalith. In the end, therefore, what is the mystery of Stonehenge? What is Hawkins’ idea and what conflicting opinions were also given in the program? Give me three instances of each, representing his argument and the opposing views of Patrick Moore, Richard Atkinson, Glyn Daniels, and/or anyone else whose opinion was presented. Be sure to give a description of their status or position (computer expert, paleontologist, etc.).

Format: 3 pages (1000 word count), 1” margins, double-spaced, 10/12 pt. type. On a cover page or in the top left-hand corner, be sure to put your name, my name, our class, and the date. Stay on topic, use an effective structure that carefully guides your reader from one idea to the next, and edit thoroughly so that sentences are readable and appropriate for an academic audience.


Humanities Homework Help

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