Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Why did Europe begin its exploration of the world only in the late 1400s?

Your answer should be typed, double-spaced, and at least four to five paragraphs.


Religion and technology

o What motivated European explorations?

o Who were some of the key European explorers and why?

o What advantages did the Europeans have over the native peoples of the Americas and Africa?

• From the following online document:…

o What’s the difference in the initial way the Arawaks treat the Europeans and the Europeans treat the Arawaks?

o How does the author’s depiction of Columbus differ from what we normally hear?

• What was the Atlantic Slave trade? What was it like? What is triangular trade and what impact did this have?

• From the following online document:…

o In what forms, both good and bad, did the Columbian Exchange take place?

o What crops and animals were being shipped back and forth?

o Was there a negative side to this exchange?

Humanities Homework Help

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