Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. What are some ways that fear affects us, social science homework help

Expect to write a short paragraph (several sentences) in answer to each question. Answers will be graded on accuracy, and also on thoroughness. Be specific and give details.

 What are some ways that fear affects us?

 How can understanding fear help us have a more creative mind?

 What are some ways we can diminish the impact of fear?

 What are the main ideas of the chapter Morphogenesis?

 What was the point of Charlie Chaplin’s critique of “Modern Times” and how does it relate to the Morphogenesis ideas?

 What does Eisenstein mean when he says “I am advocating a kind of confidence in the significance of all that we do.” (p.63)

 What does it mean to say the “new story” is not new? Why not?

 What are the three traditions that have kept the idea of the “new story” alive? Explain why these three are named.

 What is analogizing, as explained by Sparks of Genius? Name two examples used in the chapter that were not discussed in class.

 What is neuroplasticity and how does it relate to creativity?

 Describe the meaning of “cognitive distortion” and give examples of two of the types of cognitive distortion given in class.

 Describe Jeffrey Schwartz’ 4-Step process and use an example of how someone might use it (be specific).

 What is Eisenstein’s response (in the chapter Urgency) to the criticism that he should act to address the world’s crises rather than think and talk about them?

 What does Eisenstein say about doing and non-doing? What do YOU think of his perspective on this issue?

 What is body thinking, as explained by Sparks of Genius? Name two examples used in the chapter that were not discussed in class.

 What do you think of Ann Cuddy’s teaching in the video “Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are”?

 What is mindfulness, and how can it be a helpful practice – both in life in general, and in order to increase creativity?

 How is the S.T.O.P. process a mindfulness practice?

 What do studies show people report after taking a course in mindfulness?

 What do studies show happens to the brains of people who meditate?

 Describe the basic steps of meditation, including some helpful tips and attitudes.

 Why does Eisenstein tell us it’s ok to “do what we want” in the Struggle chapter?

 According to Eisenstein, in the Pain chapter, what is the relationship between pain and unmet needs?

 According to Eisenstein, in the Pleasure chapter, what is the difference between pleasure and joy?

 What is empathizing, as explained by Sparks of Genius? Name two examples used in the chapter that were not discussed in class.

 What is play and what are some of its benefits?

 Name the three “patterns of play” that you find most powerful (identified by Stuart Brown and the National Institute for Play)? Why did you choose those three?

 In the Sparks of Genius chapter on play, why is play an important thinking tool? Name two examples used in the chapter that were not discussed in


 What does Eisenstein say about Judgment and what is your opinion of his claims?

 What does Eisenstein say about Hate and what is your opinion of his claims?

 What does Eisenstein say about Righteousness and what is your opinion of his claims?

 What did you learn from the story of Azim Khamisa?

Humanities Homework Help

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