Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. History and Systems of Psychology question

1.) How does the ancient Greek naturalistic orientation differ from the biological orientation?

2.) How does the philosophy of stoicism differ from that of Epicureanism?

3.) Why was Roger Bacon’s empirical approach a major step in the foundation of modern science?

4.) Why was Copernicus’s view of the solar system considered revolutionary?

5.) How do Descartes’s and Spinoza’s views on the mind-body problem differ?

6.) What was Locke’s idea about a tabula rasa?

7.) What is the main idea of Wolff’s faculty psychology?

8.) Why was the field of psychophysics a precursor to the science of psychology?

9.) Why was Skinner’s type of behaviorism called radical behaviorism?

10.) Why do some people consider Tolman to be a transitional figure between behaviorism and the cognitive approach?

Humanities Homework Help

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