Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Need help with this Ethic questions

Here is the questions I have to answer too

Instruction: Provide a short essay responding to each of the following questions. Your aim is to present your understanding of the material and argue for your view on the subject. Make sure you: 1) Have a clearly stated thesis. 2) Explain your selections and why you make the connection(s) that you do. 3) Answer questions completely. 4) Cite material as needed.

At least 3 paragraphs each

What would be a Kantian approach to the abortion issue (create an argument for or against abortion employing Kant’s work as you understand it)?


Explain Hobbesian social contract theory. How does Hobbes’ “theory of motivation” inform his social contract theory? Explain Rousseau’s position on the social contract and compare it to Hobbes’. Which rendition do you like best? Why?

(Thomas Hobbes Leviathan book & weblink)


Explain what Aristotle views as the goal of human life. Do you agree? Why or why not? Is Aristotle’s ethics sufficiently action-guiding (does it help us make decisions)? If so, how so; if not, why not?

( Aristotle Nicomachean Ethic book & weblink)

Each answer to the three questions should be at least 3 paragraphs, they don’t have to be long ones as long as they answer the question.

Humanities Homework Help

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