Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Write a 750-1,000-word paper discussing codes of practice and ethical issues

Write a 750-1,000-word paper discussing codes of practice and ethical issues that must be considered when using psychological assessments. Address the following in your paper:

  1. A description of at least three ethical issues including multicultural and diversity issues
  2. Implications of each ethical issue
  3. Ways to avoid the ethical issues in psychological assessments
  4. A discussion of how a clinician assesses behaviors that stem from cultures or subcultures
  5. A discussion of how a client’s academic/education, career, personal, and social development impacts assessment choice

Include a discussion of how these ethical issues are addressed in “Section E: Evaluation, Assessment, and Interpretation” from the American Counseling Association Code of Ethics located at:….

Include at least three scholarly references in addition to the textbook in your paper.

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

This assignment meets the following CACREP Standards:

2.F.7.i. Use of assessments relevant to academic/educational, career, personal, and social development.

2.F.7.m. Ethical and culturally relevant strategies for selecting, administering, and interpreting assessment and test results

Humanities Homework Help

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