Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. ENGL120 Annotated Bibliography Assignment Sheet


This assignment is related with two other assignments.
It has to connected and talk about the same topic, which is (Gun control in the US)

1) Prospectus essay. (completed) attached.
2) Annotated Bibliography Assignment Sheet. (this assignment)
3) Persuasive Research Essay (Future assignment)

Annotated Bibliography Assignment Sheet.
Assignment Description:

Compile an annotated bibliography of at least seven credible primary or secondary sources that you plan to use in your Persuasive Research paper. An annotated bibliography is a list of citations where each citation is followed by an annotation that both summarizes and evaluates the information in the source.

Your annotated bibliography must include at least seven citations followed by annotations of 100-200 words for each source.

Each annotation should contain two parts.

First, it should contain a summary that explains the main ideas/arguments presented in the cited source. The summary should be detailed enough to show instructor that you have read and understand the source. The summary should not contain your opinion about the source but should objectively explain the content of the source.

Second, it should contain an analysis of the source that addresses the following: the credibility of the source, which information from the source seems to be the most relevant to your project, how you might use the source for your projectThe second part of the analysis is your opinion about the source backed up by your thorough understanding of the source.

Assignment Details:

  • Length: 7 sources plus 1-2 paragraphs per source
  • Formatting: MLA format (or alternate citation style), Times New Roman, 12 pt. font, double-spaced

o Include page numbers and your last name in the upper-right hand corner of each

o List the citations in alphabetical order and place each annotation directly below

the citation.
o Do not number the citation entries.

  • Citations should be from scholarly sources
  • Annotations should be 100-200 words summarizing and evaluating the main ideas presentedin the source
  • Credible sources may include books, peer-reviewed journals, some websites such as government websites (check with me if you wish to use other websites), no dictionaries or encyclopedias, including Wikipedia.

Let me know if you have any questions, Please read carefully. Because I will use this exact info again for my final paper in 2 weeks.

.doc file

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