Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. I will provide the logins when the question is assign it for your access to the book and some videos you need. Please gimme a high quality work…

First discussion

Answer the following prompt. Do NOT include the questions in your post, that will result in an automatic 0.

After completing your reading this week, reflect over the past few weeks, and the articles you read for your annotated bibliography, and write at least five (5) things, that could help you when implementing a change within your organization.

Your initial post must be submitted by Wednesday at 11:59pm, and 150-words or longer. It should be written academically. You should then respond to 2 of your classmates by Sunday at 11:59pm with each reply being 50-words or more. Your responses must be quality responses, not expressions like “I agree.”

Second discussion

Answer the following prompt. Do NOT include the questions in your post, that will result in an automatic 0.

For this discussion, you are to watch the video provided below, and comment on the content concerning Leadership and Organizational Change.

If the video does not appear, you may have to click on the link instead. You are expected to cite the speaker in the video at least once, then you are to pose a question for other students in the class to answer.

Your initial post must be submitted by Wednesday at 11:59pm, and 150-words or longer. It should be written academically. You should then respond to 2 of your classmates by Sunday at 11:59pm with each reply being 50-words or more. Your responses must be quality responses, not expressions like “I agree.”

Assignment A


Describe a time when you were involved in personal or organizational transition and change. As you reflect on your experience, what lessons learned (positive or negative) would you pass on to a leader facing significant change?What potential opportunities or challenges exist when leading change efforts in a cross-cultural environment?What is the importance of listening, empathy, and communication in facilitating cross-cultural change? What conflicts and/or problem solving skills came into play? Or should have been displayed?

Please write a 1-2-page paper in an APA formatted Word document and then upload to the drop box below.

Assignment B

Signature Assignment

The Signature Assignment is where we measure your progress as well as the effectiveness of the course. This is a way of holding us as an institution accountable for the learning outcomes and quality of courses we are delivering.

Reflecting over the past five weeks, write your own “what we need to know,” by creating an action plan for a transition in a fictitious company. (If you currently work for a company, and have a change coming up, you may create a real action plan, but please do not rehash an old situation. This is learning to be proactive, not reactive.)

Examples might be: A new boss, a new product, a launch of new marketing, downsizing, location change, introduction of new technology, change in roles, new staff, change in customers/marketplace, etc.

The questions to answer in your plan are:

What change will occur? When will it occur (how much time to prepare)? Who will be affected? What are some possible possible positive and negative effects? What are some proactive steps you can take to prepare the staff? How will you communicate the changes with the staff? How will you handle unforeseen situations as they arise? Include other things that you think are necessary for this to be a smooth transition.

The assignment must be 3 pages long and should cite at least two articles. (Consider using two that you included in your Week 4 assignment.) The plan should be APA formatted in a Word document and uploaded to the dropbox.

Please include APA in-text citation and reference page. Refer to In Text Citation 1 and In Text Citation 2 for help if needed.

Humanities Homework Help

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