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Humanities Homework Help. Need answers for Philosophy Unit Exam 1

Multiple Choice Questions (Enter your answers on the enclosed answer sheet)

1. Logic is the study of reason and arguments.

A. True

B. False

2. Philosophy studies life’s most basic questions.

A. True

B. False

3. Philosophical questions are primarily subjective in nature.

A. True

B. False

4. The value of studying philosophy is that it develops your analytical abilities and your

 capacity for abstract thought.

A. True

B. False 

5. The word philosophy derives from two ancient Greek words: philia, which means love,

 and sophia, which means wisdom.

A. True

B. False

6. Philosophical questions are conceptual in nature; __________ deal in probability and

 plausibility rather than absolute truth and falsehood.

A. Philosophical uncertainties

B. Philosophical answers

C. Philosophical doubts

D. Philosophical statements

7. A major philosophical concept, ________________, deals with basic human character-

 istics and similar traits in other beings like chimpanzees and dolphins.

A. Personhood

B. Selfhood

C. Self-being

D. Primitive selfUnit 1 Examination


Introduction to Philosophy

8. A(n) ________ fallacy involves an argument’s subject matter.

A. Formal

B. Informal

C. Truth

D. False

9. The two parts of an argument are _____.

A. Premises and conclusion

B. Fact and conclusion

C. Premises and falsehoods

D. Facts and truths

10. Another word for the facts, evidence, theories, or ideas that allegedly lead to an argu-

 ment’s claim is _____.

A. Premises

B. Conclusions

C. Formal fallacy

D. Informal fallacy

11. If it’s sunny, Jennifer goes surfi ng. Jennifer went surfi ng today. Therefore, it must

 have been sunny. This is an excellent illustration of affi rming the consequent, a for-

 mal fallacy.

A. True 

B. False

12. “A square has four sides” is a necessary and suffi cient condition for defi ning a


A. True

B. False

13. The potions riddle in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone is an excellent example of

 logical thinking.

A. True

B. FalseUnit 1 Examination


Introduction to Philosophy

14. If someone is a student at Hogwart’s, then he or she is studying witchcraft and wiz-

 ardry. Neville Longbottom is a student at Hogwart’s. Therefore, Neville Longbottom is

 studying witchcraft and wizardry. This is an excellent example of Modus Ponens, or

 the Asserting Rule.

A. True

B. False 

15. Analytical thinking is the philosophical application of psychoanalysis.

A. True

B. False

16. Crossing the fi nish line fi rst in a race in which you competed fairly and without cheat-

 ing is a necessary and suffi cient condition for you to be the winner.

A. True

B. False

17. The idea that there is one special person somewhere in the world that is your destiny

 to meet and fall in love with is an example of ______.

A. Fatalism

B. Determinism

C. Free will

D. Pragmatism

18. A theory that claims that all human behavior is the result of scientifi cally identifi able

 natural forces is an example of _____.

A. Fatalism

B. Determinism

C. Free will

D. Pragmatism

19. B.F. Skinner believes that human freedom is impossible.

A. True

B. FalseUnit 1 Examination


Introduction to Philosophy

20. Freudianism claims that the human personality has neither conscious nor uncon-

 scious dimensions.

A. True

B. False

21. A “Freudian slip” is an example of how the unconscious can determine what we say.

A. True

B. False

22. Sartre accepts the idea that _______________, that is, the theory that our choices

 determine our nature. 

A. Existence precedes essence

B. Essence precedes existence

C. Free will

D. Determinism

23. The theory of free will implies about responsibility that because our actions result

 from our own choices, we are fully responsible for them.

A. True

B. False

24. Aristotle agrees with the following statement: The more we understand people, the 

 more we know how little responsibility they have for their actions.

A. True

B. False

25. According to Ellis, irrational beliefs prove that determinism is correct.

A. True

B. False

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