Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. social work research (proposal)

Frist part

Her comments:

Your thesis statement does not have to be highlighted. Please remove the wording Thesis statement:

This should be the very next sentence after the word success. The research investigates whether family disintegration and lack of access to social support affect high school students’ performance.

This article is not structured very well and very confusing. I am not sure of your Independent/ Dependent variable. Example your title you have integration but in your thesis statement you have disintegration.

Change to disintegration instead of integration

Literature Review should flow in the order of your thesis statement. Theme 1: Family Disintegration (define the variables that define family disintegration). Discuss literature that focuses on the Family Disintegration using the variables you defined.

theme 2: Discuss academic performance.

Theme 3: Discuss how your population (high school students specifically) define by age are impacted by Family Integration. Consider how developmental theories maybe applied.


Make change from what she mentions to change. I will send u all photos that help u to see what she mentioned there


I will send u her all instructions to complete my social work research (proposal) because she needs me to go through her instructions to complete social work research (proposal)

10 Pages including everything the change and add Except the title and references

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