Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Heathers and 10 questions

in word document
After viewing Heathers and reading the two related links, please respond to this question: Is Heathers, even as the satire it was intended to be, inappropriate in 2021? Explain your opinion in detail.

Here are the two links:

In other word document answers these questions

1. What is the literal meaning of the phrase mise-en-scene? What do we mean by this phrase when we discuss movies?

2. What are the two major components of mise-en-scene?

3. Does a movie’s mise-en-scene happen by accident? If not, what or who determines it?

4. Describe the process of developing a movie’s mise-en-scene.

5. What are the principal responsibilities of the production designer?

6. Name and briefly discuss the major elements of cinematic design.

7. What is kinesis? What are the two basic forms it takes, and how can each affect composition and our experience of the story?

8. How the lighting for any movie looks is determined, in part, by its quality, ratio, and direction. Explain these terms and the effects they produce.

9. What is composition? Name and briefly discuss how composition uses balance and depth.

10. Describe the different approaches to mise-en-scene and the overall effects they seek to achieve.

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