Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. BSHS 335 Rasmussen College Ethics and Values for Human Service Professional Paper

In your Module 02 Course Project Assignment, you have been asked to

assist your supervisor in preparing a presentation for the conference on

the Human Services Professional’s ethical duty to the public. Draft

three separate scenarios in which a Human Services professional is at

risk of violating one of the standards of the Human Services Code of



In a 2 – 3 page double spaced paper:

  1. Create three different case scenarios in which a Human Services
    worker is facing an ethical dilemma with the public or the profession.
  2. Explain which standards of the Human Services Code of Ethics, Responsibility to the Public & Society, or Responsibility to the Profession the worker is at risk of violating.
  3. Reference at least one different standard (Standards 10 -18 or 26-33) in each scenario.
  4. With each scenario, make sure you discuss the following:
    • What ethical dilemma is the Human Services professional facing?
    • Describe what action steps the worker should take to lessen the risk of an ethical violation.
    • What is the risk of harm should the worker respond in the least ethical manner?

Apply APA standards to your work. Please note that the cover page and
references are not included towards the length of the paper. Be sure to
cite the Human Services Code of Ethics in your work.

Humanities Homework Help

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