Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Social movement

Choose a social movement from the following list:

a. Climate Change

b. #Metoo

c. BlackLivesMatter

Once, you have chosen the social movement; write a brief summary of the social movement (key people, key events, etc.). After the summary, describe how the social movement seeks to engage you? Which techniques do you respond to and why?


  • Typed in 12 point Times New Roman font
  • Double-spaced with 1 inch margins on all sides
  • Indent the first line of each paragraph
  • In the upper left-hand corner of the first page, list your name, instructor’s name (Ms.x), the course (SYG2000 REF271816) and the due date (again double-space)
  • Must have a title that is centered (don’t underline, bold, or use italics)
  • Must have at least three sources – NO WIKIPEDIA!
  • In the header please put your last name and the page number in the right corner
  • Have an introduction and conclusion
  • Must be at least 2 pages plus a Works Cited page


  • Use MLA formatting. A good website for MLA is Purdue OWL or check out PBSC’s writing lab. You must use in-text citations when you are using direct quotes or summarizing someone else’s words!
  • Submit through Blackboard as a Word document or pdf. No late papers accepted. No emailed papers accepted.
  • This is worth 150 points of your final grade.

Humanities Homework Help

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