Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. 8-10 page paper with two parts to be included on paper, about a theatre performance

a paper that has two parts

should be between 8-10 pages with 1/2 to 2/3 of the paper being your adaptation (part II). If the minimum of 8 is not met points will be taken off. Please read all of the following assignment and format and grading information below.

Part 1

performance you saw.

What was the plot?

What was the conflict?

What was the climax?

What was the resolution?

Tell me who the characters are, not just their names but their characteristics and type, what are their motives.

How do they effect the story?

I also want to know what you think are the core theme(s) and why?

What is the purpose of the show? To entertain and/or to teach a lesson?

What was your overall opinion of the performance? Please include discussion of set, lights, acting, and directing choices you thought worked or did not work.

Part 2

Then, you are going to turn the show into a Children’s Theatre show for a professional theatre company, with the audience age group being elementary schoolers. You will reconstruct it to be presentable and relatable to a child audience. Remember that with Children’s Theatre adaptations you have the freedom to remove or add what you feel necessary. For example: perhaps you focus on one theme, change the characters to animals, fairies, monsters, or remove some characters? Or perhaps you need to add a theme or a character to change the story to be more appealing to a child audience. You have artistic freedom here, but one of the most important parts of your final is explaining the changes you make, telling me why this change will make your productions work as a children’s production!

What is your adapted plot, conflict, climax, and resolution.

Who are your characters, what are their motives? And, how do they effect/move along the story?

Are your characters human or will they be animals, monsters, will this be a puppet show etc.?

What are your characters costumes and what do they sound like? (tone, accent, silent?)

What are the themes of this show as a children’s production?

Is the purpose of the show to entertain, teach a lesson or both?

What have you taken out of or added to the show and why? How does this change make your adaptation more relatable and impactful for Children?

Tell me 2-3 instances in the show that you could include audience participation?

Who will you cast?

What were the challenges associated with adapting this to children’s theatre?

Rubric for Format and Grading

You will be graded on whether or not you have addressed every question and topic here. You will be graded on how well you have adapted the show for an elementary school aged child audience

Spelling and Grammar count! Have someone proof read this, it is your FINAL after all.

Your responses should be thorough and detailed. should be between 8-10 pages with 1/2 to 2/3 of the paper being your adaptation (part II).

It should be Times New Roman size 12 font, 1.5 to double spaced. Name, course number and “Final” as a header or footer. In other words no taking up space with this info on the first page

Humanities Homework Help

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