Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Design a survey


You will design a survey (maximum of 1 page) with the purpose of answering research questions that came up as a result of your literature reviews. You will also conduct a brief write up. See below for further information on these two tasks.

This task is meant to be serve as a portion of the methodology section of your final research proposal paper. It is not mandatory you do so, but you can, to make it easier on yourself.


APA formatting does not apply to surveys and the project write-up.

The Assignment

The goal is to demonstrate your knowledge of measurement and surveys and the principles which apply, as taught through this course. I would make sure you are familiar with at least chapters 5-7 of the textbook before beginning this activity.



You are to design one survey in a Word document. There are no other limitations. Be creative. Utilize examples from research articles you have read and examples that are in the textbook. Google survey measures/instruments you have read about in articles, like the PHQ-9 for depression, GAD-7 for anxiety, etc. as examples.

Given there is creativity involved here, there is no rubric, grading will in part be subjective. Clearly demonstrate to me your knowledge of measurement and surveys.

Some steps to writing a good survey (just helpful questions for you to think about)

1. Establish the goals of the project/survey – What do we want to learn?

2. Determine your sample – Whom do we want to take the survey? How will we choose who we ask? How many people should we survey?

3. Choose methodology – How will we conduct the survey? Will the survey be oral? Written?

4. Create your questionnaire – What kinds of questions should we ask? How many questions should we ask? Will they be face valid? Closed or open ended? Double-barreled? Etc…

5. What are the response options going to be? Likert scale? Forced choice true/false? Something else? How will you account for “fence-sitting?” What are the strengths and weaknesses of each option?

6. Think about how you need to analyze the data to answer your question. Are you going to run correlations? Do you need to run a T-Test to look at differences between two groups? Will your questions and your response options get you the data you need to run those types of tests?


  • Survey Process Write-up (2-3 paragraphs)

In addition to the survey, you will complete a brief write-up to explain your thought process and decision making. This is another opportunity for you to clearly demonstrate to me you understand concepts from chapters 5-7 and could apply them to your survey. This will be the most heavily graded portion of this assignment.

Discuss things relevant to your study like:

-ordinal vs. interval scales


-Likert scales vs. multiple choice

-categorical responses vs. numerical responses

-leading questions

-double-barreled questions

-observation data vs. self-report data

-using individual item scores, total scores, and/or composite scores

-having face valid questions or not

-observer bias

-will you be needing the survey to be given at multiple time points and if so how will you account for test-re-test reliability?

-will you be assessing inter-rater reliability?

-how will you account for content validity in your questions?

-how will you incorporate or account for ‘fence-sitting,’

-will you use double negatives?

-open vs closed ended questions

-how will you account for observer bias, etc…

  • Reflection (1 paragraph)

Please reflect on this assignment and the process of learning how to design a survey. Some example questions you may answer in your write-up:

  • What was this like for you?
  • Was this easier or harder than you expected?
  • What did you learn?
  • What was surprising?

Does not have to be APA format.

Humanities Homework Help

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