Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Writ 206 Discussion Question

Read Business Insider article (Links to an external site.) and compose a 250-word response:

1. What is your reaction to Smith’s article and CEO Walter Bettinger’s
method for sizing up a job candidate’s accountability and responses to mistakes?

2. Have you, or someone you know, been in a unique interviewing position or
interviewed in this manner?

3. If you were an employer or hiring manager, what personality and/or character
traits would you look for? What would be your ideal setting (e.g. meeting at a restaurant)
for learning about a job candidate?

When citing an article, please use quotation marks and paragraph numbering as in-text citation.
Example: (para 5) or (paras 6-7)

When citing digital content such as film/TV episodes/videos, please use timestamps as in-text citation.
Example: (5:56) or (6:20-7:20)

Humanities Homework Help

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