Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Need help on Gradient Illustration Assignment on Photoshop

create an illustration based on a photograph using gradients.

Using the method demonstrated in class, create an illustration of an existing photograph (you may use one from the internet as long as it is labeled for reuse with modification). Remember to use separate Gradient Fill Layers.

  1. Pick an image that isn’t too difficult if you don’t have experience with drawing and painting. Faces tend to be very difficult to make convincing.
  2. Set your image size (Image/Image Size) to be big enough to print 8×10 at 300 ppi. Set the longest side to be 10 and be sure the other side is not larger than 8. Don’t stretch the image! It’s okay if it looks pixelated. We won’t be seeing the source image at all by the time you’re done.
  3. Break the image down into pieces and start with the largest and easiest ones first. That way, as your skills improve, you’ll be up to tackling the more difficult areas.
  4. Outline the area around one of your pieces with the pen tool. Be sure it is in the path mode. Name your path descriptively.
  5. Keep your reference image as your top layer.
  6. Outline the area around one of your pieces with the pen tool. Be sure it is in the path mode. Name your path descriptively.
  7. With the path selected, go to Layer/New Fill
    Layer/Gradient. Use the gradient editor to set your color stops based on the reference image. Set the gradient type to what you think will be best. Click okay. (If you can’t see the reference image, make sure your gradient fill layer is beneath it.)
  8. Reduce the opacity of your reference image. Double click on your gradient fill layer and fine tune its settings to match the reference image.
  9. Use free transform on any layer to close any gaps as needed. Warp can work really well for this.
  10. To create a stroke (line) rather than a shape:
    In the pen tool, choose the shape setting. Set no fill and set the stroke to be the color and weight you would like.
    Create the path you would like to outline, or stroke. Press esc to end the path without closing it.
    You need to set the pen tool in the shape setting before making your path to create a stroke that is vector based.

Humanities Homework Help

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