Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Reading and Writing Essay

  • Based on Amoja Three Rivers’ “Cultural Etiquette,” Lynette Clemetson’s “The Racial Politics of Speaking Well,” and your own observations and experience, do some prewriting about issues of cultural sensitivity and language use. Don’t submit this, but look ahead: in Unit 3B we will discuss other texts dealing with this topic, and you will write and submit an essay dealing with any of this material you choose.
  • Amoja Three Rivers, “Cultural Etiquette: A Guide for the Well-Intentioned”
  • Lynette Clemetson, “The Racial Politics of Speaking Well”
  • Based on Natasha Spring’s “Freedom of Speech vs. Politically Correct Language” and John Leo’s “Free Inquiry? Not On Campus,” revise and expand the essay on cultural sensitivity and language use that you started in Unit 3A. Your revised essay (on all four texts) need not radically shift its focus or perspective on the issues (though it can), but it should meaningfully incorporate ideas and challenges from the two new readings into its discussion of the underlying issues. Use specific details from the texts to support and illustrate your observations, being sure to use quotation marks when including an author’s words.
  • Natasha Spring, “Freedom of Speech vs. Politically Correct Language”
  • John Leo, “Free Inquiry? Not On Campus”

Humanities Homework Help

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