Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. write me paper

So, after reading all the assigned readings for this week, please read the Introduction to First Major Project (Click Here to Download) very well and submit your 300-word proposal . To get a better sense of how to write an academic proposal, please read Purdue OWL’s guide on “Writing Academic Proposals” (Click Here).

2. Please make sure to read First Major Project Description (Click Here)

before writing and submitting the final draft. If you need someone to read your paper and leave comments, you can always refer to Writing Studio and they are so helpful in their jobs. We will have peer-reviewing process after you submitted this draft.

✓ An introduction that provides context for your subject and an arguable, focused, and
revelatory thesis statement that will guide your paper
✓ An in-depth analysis of the topic you’ve chosen, as well as the larger implications of it
✓ Solid claims that are backed up with key details and effective incorporation of source
✓ Logical organization that provides a clear argument and includes transitions that tie the material together
✓ A conclusion that brings the ideas together
✓ Sound sentence structure and grammar

Plagiarism is the use—whether aware or unaware—of someone else’s work without citation or attribution, in an attempt to pass it off as your own. Plagiarism of any sort will not be tolerated and could result in an automatic ‘F’ grade in the course.


Peer reviews will be . Please consider the following questions while writing your reviews:

  1. What is the paper’s target community? How big or small the community is? Did the author manage to analyze the community well?
  2. Is there a thesis statement?
  3. What is the focal argument of this paper?
  4. How are the evidences/supports of the main thesis?
  5. How effective are the researcher’s plan and strategies?
  6. What interesting facts/new ideas did you find in the paper?
  7. What suggestions for improvement do you have for the writer?

2. Project Presentation

After reading Weekly Prompt 5 and the excerpt from the Pocket Guide to Public Speaking (Click Here to Download), please submit your presentation link on this assignment. Presentations should be based on the very papers (First Major Project) you submitted last week. Each of you made a research, did some interviews and recorded some data to document and analyze your communities. This week, we are going to use this data and your findings to prepare a 12-15-minute lecture.

You will record your presentations on Panopto and present the information on a PowerPoint with at least 5 slides of your choice. This is a pretty simple process because you already have all the information you are going to present. We just want to practice presenting our data and structuring best presentations. Make sure to use the data you gathered, the pictures you took from the community you worked on, quotations from the people you interviewed, photos of the community on their websites, charts or any graphic material which can help you better inform and entertain your audience. You will submit the links to your Panopto presentations on an assignment link that will follow this prompt.

If you have question how to use Panopto or record videos, please refer to the following links: (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)


Please note at the following points at your presentations:

  • Please talk with a loud voice while you are giving your lecture (headsets are preferred).
  • Record yourself in a room where there is no distracting noise with enough light.
  • You are required to use PowerPoint or other presentation aids to make the lecture much more entertaining for all.
  • Plan ahead, test-run, repeat, and send the refined version to me prior to deadline.
  • Speeches should not exceed 15 minutes and should not be less than 12 minutes.
  • If you have any problems, please contact me prior to the deadline and leave some time for yourself to solve technical problems.

Good Luck and let me know if you have any concerns.

Humanities Homework Help

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