Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Western Music question(pro only)

1. Compare the relationship between text and music in THREE of the following works: 1) Hildegard of Bingen’s “In Principio Omnes” from Ordo Virtutum, 2) Il bianco e dolce cigno by Arcadelt 3) Cruda Amarilli by Monteverdi and 4) Strozzi’s Lagrime mie What is the nature of each composer’s approach to text-setting? What is the overall musical texture? Does the composer of each work employ any techniques for text-depiction or text-expression? (Check the class glossary on Canvas for a specific definition of the highlighted terms. Translations of the text for each are available under the “files” tab on our Canvas site.)

1. Discuss the relationship between the following works and the cultural/religious/political context in which they were written: 1) the “Agnus Dei” movement from Palestrina’s Pope Marcellus Mass and the Council of Trent 2) Haydn’s Symphony No. 100 “Military” (second movement) and the decline of the Ottoman Empire. In what way does the music of each composer reflect these contexts? Discuss specific characteristics of the music.

1. Drawing on the assigned reading, discuss THREE of the following: 1) the development of notation, 2) the development of the printing press and the popularity of amateur-music making during the Renaissance (ex. madrigals), 3) the role of publishing in the career and legacy of Barbara Strozzi and 4) the role of publishing in the “Bach Revival.” Cite the ideas, and any quotes, that you have drawn from the assigned reading.

Humanities Homework Help

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