Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Need an argumentative essay on APA style format (6th edition).

Write an argumentative essay on the following topic:

Do you agree that the best way to improve education is to homeschool children?

Include at least three resources. All of the resources should be seen on your reference page and inside your text as well.

Do not forget to insert heading levels 1 and 2. Create a separate title page and a reference page.

1. An introduction paragraph with a powerful, eye catching hook to grab reader’s attention. Offer background information, simply name the topic and give a hint on what you’ll be talking about in the argumentative essay. Briefly explain why the topic is important and who cares about it. End with a strong Thesis Statement. This part contains the main argument. Don’t pose any questions here, just state your main point of view clearly. It should mention the 2 arguments you will talk about in the body of the essay.

2. Body with 2 strong arguments/supporting paragraphs. These need to support the thesis statement. Evidence is based on credible facts and statistics found during research. Each supporting paragraph should contain a small quote from the references used.

3. A Counter Claim (refusing opposing arguments) in one paragraph. For the argument against you should present enough evidence to refute it. Defend the arguments presented in the body of the paragraph.

4. A Conclusion; rewrite your thesis statement. Remind the readers of your topic by restating your thesis. Make it clear why your argument is a winning one. The best way to do so is to present how the things would turn if your idea wasn’t implemented.

5. A Reference page in APA style (6th edition). Use at least 3 resources.

Humanities Homework Help

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