Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Architecture building design and drawing

Design a Residential building that will be located in San Francisco.

Tall Luxury Residential building with all the facility that people dream of.

( Swimming pool, Media Room, Meeting room, Top floor view of the city, Gym, even a dark room)

This project is for Architecture major, not interior Arch or just art design. So need to focus on the Exterior and surrdings.

1. 2 group of thumbnails (6 thumbnails each).

-Include interior and exterior perspectives

-Use variety of shots

-1 panel has to have multiple figures.

-At lease 1 figure must be in 4 panels

P.S : I have the example in file but need more exterior drawings to be design

2. Choose the better group and draw the 7*10 inches pics with shadows


-Examples in the file as well, but in different major, just try to be that detailed and high quality.

You can finish the first one and the second one without detailing ( the lights and shadows ) Than I will extend the time for this post and let you do on the second one with more details.

Humanities Homework Help

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