Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Social Class, Race and Ethnicity, Gender Roles, Religion, Political Affiliation, Crisis Impaired, English homework help

1) You will be selecting the most interesting and noteworthy points you located in this Unit’s readings and post on the Discussion board and engage in discussion with your peers. Make sure you relate your discussion points to a Perspective-Make sure you relate your ideas to Social Class, Race and Ethnicity, Gender Roles, Religion, Political Affiliation, Crisis Impaired, and Socio Economic or some other areal of interest.

Your initial Post addressing should be 150 words minimum

Questions on readings to submit :

2)“No One’s A Mystery”

What does the diary represent in the story and in particular it being locked?

What other connections to the locked diary do you see?

Do you see a network of interconnectivity (between the situations and the characters) here

and what does this interconnectivity reveal?

3)“The Man Upstairs” David Sedaris

Is this really anything to do with God or is that way too simple?

What did the article make you think about in your own life?

4)“Boys on the Side” Hanna Rosin

What are you impressions of this piece?

What did you know about this before you read it? Did this change any ideas you had about

this phenomena?

What strikes you the most in this piece and why do you feel it made that impression on you?

Write a paragraph.


Which of the poems do you find most interesting and why?

What issue do you see if the poem you picked that is reflective of an issue from society?

6) On the Discussion Board Unit 5 # 2 By now you have completed the readings for Unit 5. Write a short 150-200-word analysis of one of the texts where you discuss at least one aspect you see in the piece. Use at least one quote to support your analysis. Connect what you see to disciplinary perspective you have identified. Use MLA and paragraphing.

Humanities Homework Help

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