Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Motor Assessment Analysis and Reflection

ASSESSMENT (At least TWO page – Double spaced)

What were the objectives? Why your group focused on the objectives?

• What was your formal assessment? Why made this a formal assessment? What was the
instrument for the formal assessment? What does the assessment tool look like? Why
your group designed this way?

• What was your informal assessment? Why made this an informal assessment? What
was the instrument for the informal assessment? What does the assessment tool look
like? Why your group designed this way?

• What equipment did you need for your assessment?

• What was the procedure of conducting teaching and skill practice and informal and
formal assessment?

Note: You need to include the designed assessment tool for formal and informal assessment in
this section.

REFLECTION (At least ONE pages – Double spaced)

What was the most memorable incident that happened during the assessment and

– Being creative with all of the assessment, especially when I had to find alternative ways or had to be creative with the assessment.

• What did you learn from this assessment project?
• How this knowledge helps you in your future job?

– Different way to assess with my students. Future job physical education teacher so write something that relates to it.

Humanities Homework Help

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