Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. English Composition- Poetry

A list of topic choices is provided below. Your essay must be on one of the topics or developed in consultation with the instructor. All essays must be submitted on or before the due date, uploaded to both the appropriate folder and to Turnitin, according to instructions. Late work will not be accepted. Select one of the topics to discuss in a well-developed, coherent, and thoughtful essay of at least four to five (4- 5) pages, 750-1,000 words minimum; essays must be typed (in 12-point Times New Roman font), double-spaced, with a Works Cited page (Works Cited page does not count toward the five-page requirement), and submitted by the assigned due date. Essays should be grammatically correct, free of errors in mechanics, grammar, usage, spelling, and documentation, and will be evaluated according to the Model for Evaluation of Student Writing. In addition, essays must use a minimum of three authoritative sources, including at least one primary source (the text or texts discussed) and at least two reputable critical or scholarly secondary sources. Essays must contain quotations from or other references to your sources, and these references should be used to support your assertions about the text and be properly documented (utilizing MLA-style citations for documentation). Be sure to focus carefully on the topic: formulate a clear, strong, explicit, assertive, objectively worded thesis (underlined), and avoid plot summary. Remember that these are formal essays: they must have an appropriate, original title; contain an introduction, multiple body paragraphs, and conclusion; and avoid use of I or you throughout. Please feel free to communicate any concerns or questions to me before the essays are due; I will be available to meet with any student who needs assistance or additional instruction.


• Select two poems* written or published at least twenty-five years apart that are both about the same subject matter: Nature, Art, Love, Sex, Age, Death or Mourning, War, Race, or Gender, and compare and contrast the way the two treat the same theme. Your analysis should establish a clear connection between the two poems, beyond merely “They both discuss love” or “both refer to death”; rather, the connection should be based on similarities in situation, structure, language, imagery, theme, et cetera.

• Select a poem* and the lyrics to a song you love (Rock, R&B, Hip-Hop, Country, et cetera) about the same subject matter, as above, and compare and contrast the way the two treat the same theme.

• Use your favorite song (Rock, R&B, Hip-Hop, Country, et cetera, as above) and write a straight literary analysis and explication of the lyrics.

Humanities Homework Help

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