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Humanities Homework Help. needs assessment

This assignment is done on a worksheet .

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SOC-480: Needs Assessment Worksheet

It is essential for social workers to understand the needs of the community in order to develop an effective proposal that addresses social health issues. This assignment will help you learn this skill.

For this assignment, you will assess culture and subculture in your selected community. For instance, you may decide to select your neighborhood community. Some students may select the community here at GCU or another university campus.

Answer the following prompts to assist you:

Topic 1: Social Issues

After reading the “Mock Community” case study, list the social issues this community is dealing with. Describe the target population and characteristics of this population (racial/ethnic, cultural, socioeconomic status, age, etc.).

***will be provided as an attachment

Using the Risk and Protective Factors page from SAMHSA located in the Study Materials, describe the risk and protective factors in the “Mock Community” that might contribute to the social issues presented in this case study. (50-75 words)

What are the unique characteristics of the community in the case study? (30-50 words)

Describe any resources available for the target population presented in the mock community. Are they easily accessible? Explain whether or not there is a resource gap. (50-75 words)

Explain whether or not the community recognizes the social issues and the need for programs or resources that address these social issues. (50-75 words)

Assessing Your Selected Community

First, describe the social issue you have selected for your proposal. (20-30 words)

****Social issue is poverty in NJ

Explain which level of analysis you have selected and why. (30-40 words)

  • A client case study (micro level) *******chose this level
  • Program proposal (macro level)
  • Project proposal (mezzo level)

Describe the target population/client affected by your selected social issue. (20-30 words)

Next, use the Strategic Prevention Framework in the Study Materials to guide you in assessing your community.

Although you will not be able to utilize all the information presented in the Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF), you will be able to use it as a guide. Summarize the first step in the Strategic Prevention Framework (40-50 words).

How will you utilize this information when planning your proposal? (40-50 words)

Next, access and review your county public health website. Review existing prevention programs and resources that address your selected social issue. List possible prevention or evidence-based treatment strategies for target populations/clients dealing with the social issue you have selected. (30-50 words)

****New Jersey prevention programs and resources

Explain the social issues your community deals with. Using the Risk and Protective Factors information located in the Study Materials, describe what risk factors might be driving patterns and behaviors related to your community and your selected social issue. What are some of the protective factors that might reduce the effects of the risk factors? (100-150 words)

Access and read the “Community Profiles” article by Henderson et al. (2012). Explain how the authors used neighborhood profile data to conduct their community assessment. (150-200 words)…

*****(log info will be provided)


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