Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. I really need someone to answer the questions to the online exam for my art history 101 class, its made up of 8 questions and will need to be based off a textbook that i will link a free pdf version to below.

pdf for book:


1-The legacy of Rome looms large over the art of this period. Pick examples from at least 3 chapters to document the continued influence of Rome and Roman Art on the art of this unit.

2-Compare and contrast the below two images. (I attached the images as a file)

3-Define the below term and give an example of an art work that relates to it from this course and explain your reasoning


4-Define the below term and give an example of an art work that relates to it from this course and explain your reasoning

Jeanne d’Evreux

5-Define the below term and give an example of an art work that relates to it from this course and explain your reasoning

Fan Vault

6-Define the below term and give an example of an art work that relates to it from this course and explain your reasoning

Jamb Statue

7-Define the below term and give an example of an art work that relates to it from this course and explain your reasoning

Groin Vault

8-Imagine that you come upon this image in a museum in the Gothic Art section and want to impress the person that you are with. Demonstrate how much you have learned in this course by relating what you have learned in this course to the below image. Do not limit yourself to one section of the course. Feel free to discuss this image in relation to anything that we have covered. I have provided you all of the information that would be on a museum wall object label.

Devotional Statue of the Virgin and Child ca.1250-70 CE. Wood, paint. 15.75” x 4.75” x 3.2”

(ive attahced an image for this question aswell)

Humanities Homework Help

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