Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Reading Reflection and Reading Annotation: Cheney-Lippold, “Jus Algoritmi”

Part1: Reading Reflection: 1. Who is the author? What are their qualifications? Academic affiliations? Other work?

2. What is the research question that the author is trying to answer?

3. Restate the author’s argument concisely.

4. How is the author building their argument? What is the method of their research? For example, are they conducting interviews, analyzing films, etc.

5. What sources are cited? In other words, what is the author’s evidence? Or where are they getting their data from?

6. Who is the author in conversation with? Who is the audience?

7. When was the text written? How does this affect the argument?

Part2: Reading Annotation: What counts as meaningful engagement with the text? Highlight the corresponding words in the text.Take a screenshot or copy the text and mark the page.

1.Identify passages that are confusing, ask/ answer clarifying questions

2.Try to reword difficult passages to make them more understandable

3. Reword or summarize key concepts or passages

4. Link key terms and ideas to outside materials or other course readings

5. Ask/ answer a discussion question (see below)

(If you want to answer a discussion question, I dropped two pictures)

Elements of a thought-provoking question (this is different from a clarifying question):

  • It cannot be answered with a yes or no, or a quick Google search
  • It doesn’t ask for personal opinions, but prompts thoughtful analysis or reflection
  • Can refer to specific passages to preface the question and provide context

Humanities Homework Help

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