Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Letter to Congress alternative assignment for non-US citizens

Congressional Letter: One of the core objectives of this course is to understand the
importance of civic engagement, thus you will be require to write a letter to the congressional
representative from your voting district. This assignment has two parts that you will submit
together. The first is background research on you congressional representative. The second is
a letter to your congressperson addressing a policy issue that is important to you. These letters
will be mailed so find an issue that is important to you, develop understanding of the topic and
state your reasons why you want your congressperson to take action. This is your chance to get
involved and learn a little more about your district.

I update a PDF file that is the require for this letter. You can follow the PDF document to write down it. Please let this letter look like a normal student write. Because I don’t want my professor see it is not like my work. as simple as you can. Btw, I am an international student. I am not green card or citizen. Just a Chinese international student. Thank you.

Humanities Homework Help

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