Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Fill out worksheets and do 1000 word essay

Note — Hey, you do not need access for the book link. book link it’s under the each chapter.

All you need it’s complete the google doc worksheets and 1 essay.

please let me know if u have any questions

This Assignment is worksheets for chapter 1- 4 include question and 1 essay

Chapter 1 has 2 topic of questions

Chapter 2 has 2 topic of questions and 1 discussion

Chapter 3 has 1 topic of questions

Chapter 4 has 2 topic of questions

1 Strategies for concluding paragraph .

Essay # 1 1000 words. Please upload essay individual from this worksheets

Assignment it’s below :…

Book for Assignment : UNIT 1 CHAPTER 1- 4 only it’s u need…

this BIG PICTURE!!! it’s for — Chapter 2 : Dreams Deferred

question NO. 7 picture ( I can’t upload on google doc, so I put it here)

Mom & Dad

Humanities Homework Help

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