Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. HS310 RobertF Christina


Summarize the inflated asset value of two cities in the United States that industrialized between 1850 and 1940


Analyze the major companies, natural resources, physical infrastructure, and human capital that contributed to industrial growth in each case. Go into detail about what went on in those

USE NYC (standard oil) or Pittsburg (US steel) as a model



14 paragraphs

6 paragraphs of summary (3 on each city)

8 paragraphs of analysis (4 on each city)

Mostly use outside sources but include some info from – emphasis on outside sources for the above part:

Planning Future Cities chapters. 1-3

American Economy chapter. 2

Supervised research 2

Wrap up what happened with this city with the ending of the great depression

He said to do each 1-3 on NYC and 3-6 on PIT summary not to intertwine them…. and then the analysis to focus on major companies, natural resources, physical infrastructure and human capital that contributed to the industrial growth go into exact detail about what went on in those cities not just the changes ** the analysis of my last paper he said was weak so tell them to make sure they focus on all those points he mentioned

Humanities Homework Help

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