Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. English CRAAP quiz and Library data base worksheet

1. Watch the CRAAP video and then take this quiz

Pretend that you are taking a Composition class and you have to write a paper on a hot-button issue. You’ve decided to write about global warming. You’ve found the following website on Google: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. Use the CRAAP Test to evaluate the site, then answer the questions. HINT: Make sure you pay attention to whether the question is asking you about the site or the article. You should take both into account when evaluating the article!…

2. Library Databases Worksheet

Complete the attached questions using the databases page of the WLAC library (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. and Ch. 21 in the West Guide to help you. Also, watch the videos in this week’s module for additional help.

I have uplaoded the question for both of them, 12 questions for question 1 and 16 for question 2

Humanities Homework Help

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