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Which describes the narrator’s perspective in Shania’s Diary?

What is the purpose of a cause-effect text structure?

Which best describes a legend?

Which is the best summary of A Wolf Story?

Which best states the purpose of the theme in A Wolf Story?

Which detail should be included in a summary of A Wolf Story?

Read the legend titled “The Little Mice.”

Once upon a time, a prairie mouse busied herself all fall storing away a cache of beans. Every morning she was out early with her empty cast-off snakeskin, which she filled with ground beans and dragged home with her teeth.

The little mouse had a cousin who was fond of dancing and talk but did not like to work. She was not careful to get her cache of beans, and the season was already well gone before she thought to bestir herself. When she came to realize her need, she found she had no packing bag. So she went to her hardworking cousin and said:

“Cousin, I have no beans stored for winter and the season is nearly gone. But I have no snakeskin to gather the beans in. Will you lend me one?”

“But why have you no packing bag? Where were you in the moon when the snakes cast off their skins?”

“I was here.”

“What were you doing?”

“I was busy talking and dancing.”

“And now you are punished,” said the other. “It is always so with lazy, careless people. But I will let you have the snakeskin. And now go, and by hard work and industry, try to recover your wasted time.”

Which statement best identifies the purpose and theme of this legend?

Read the beginning of a legend titled “The Artichoke and the Muskrat.”

On the shore of a lake stood an artichoke with its green leaves waving in the sun. Very proud of itself it was and well satisfied with the world. In the lake below lived a muskrat in his tepee, and in the evening as the sun set he would come out upon the shore and wander over the bank. One evening he came near the place where the artichoke stood.

“Ho, friend,” he said, “you seem rather proud of yourself. Who are you?” 

“I am the artichoke,” answered the other, “and I have many handsome cousins. But who are you?”

“I am the muskrat, and I, too, belong to a large family. I live in the water. I don’t stand all day in one place like a stone.”

“If I stand in one place all day,” retorted the artichoke, “at least I don’t swim around in stagnant water and build my lodge in the mud.”

Which detail should be included in a summary?

Read the following excerpt form Johanna’s blog.

May 10, 2013

How to House-Train Your Puppy

So you have a cute new puppy, but it goes to the bathroom all over the house.  Here are some tips for house-training your new dog.  First, create an enclosed space where the puppy will stay when not being watched.  It’s a good idea to put newspaper down in case she does have an accident.  Make this space the place where the puppy will sleep.  Dogs do not like to go to the bathroom where they sleep.  Second, whenever the dog is let out of its space, bring her outside right away.  Once she goes to the bathroom outside, reward her.

Which purpose is the mostly likely reason for writing this blog?

Read the excerpt from “Healthy Eating.”

But no one can ignore the damage being wrought by all this bad eating. More than one out of three adults in the United States — 37.5 percent — are obese, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Some of the leading causes of death — heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes — are directly linked to obesity. And childhood obesity has tripled in the last 30 years. With more than a third of kids between 6 and 19 considered obese, the CDC reports, they are at substantially more risk for developing cardiovascular disease, diabetes, bone and joint conditions, and cancer.

How does the author develop her argument in this part of the article?

Read the excerpt from Gonzalo’s narration in Seedfolks.

One afternoon I was watching TV, getting smart on The Brady Bunch. Suddenly I looked up. He was gone. I checked the halls on all five floors of the apartment house. I ran to the street. He wasn’t in the bodega or the pawnshop. I called his name, imagining my mother’s face when she found out he’d fallen through a manhole or been run over. I turned the corner, looking for the white straw hat he always wore. Two blocks down I spotted it. I flew down the sidewalk and found him standing in front of a vacant lot, making gestures to a man with a shovel.

How would this part of the story be different if it were told from Tío Juan’s perspective?

Read the sentence.

When I saw her yawn, I could not tell if it was because she was tired or just bored.

Which statement best describes what a student can learn by analyzing the relationship between the two underlined words?

Which detail from “The Chenoo” would best support the theme “difficult situations require courage”?

Read the metaphor.

The air was a heavy, thick blanket

The metaphor compares the words

Read this paragraph.

The honeybee population has been decreasing at an alarming rate in recent years. One possible cause is humans building in areas that once supplied food sources for bees. One way people can help honeybees is by planting gardens with plenty of native flowers to feed the bees.

Which best states the author’s purpose in writing the paragraph?

Read the legend titled “Beaver and Porcupine.”

Once in the old days Beaver and Porcupine were comrades and went everywhere together. Now Beavers are much afraid of Bears, who break down the beaver dams so as to let off the water, catch them, and eat them. But the Bear fears the sharp quills of the Porcupine; therefore the little fellow acted as guard to his friend. Porcupine often visited Beaver in his house, which is dry and comfortable, and unfortunately annoyed his host by leaving some of his quills there.

One day Porcupine proposed to call on his friend, and Beaver offered to carry him on his back, because the prickly one cannot swim. But instead of taking him to his home under the dam, he took him to a tall stump in the very middle of the lake, and there he left him!

There Porcupine was compelled to stay until the lake froze over, and he could walk home on the ice.

Beaver contrived to explain the whole thing as a joke, and the pair appeared to be on as good terms as ever. One fine day, the Bear appeared.

“What shall I do? Save me! Save me!” cried Beaver in terror.

“Certainly, friend; just get upon my back and I will carry you to safety,” replied Porcupine.

Beaver did as he was told and was taken to the top of a very tall tree and left to himself. He did not know how to climb and was afraid to try to get down alone.

“Oh, do help me down!” he cried; but it was of no use to beg. After staying up there so long that he grew dizzy and almost starved to death, he finally contrived to scramble down the tree; and they say that is why the bark of trees is rough and full of scratches to this day. We are also told that it is on account of this happening that people who have loved each other very much sometimes quarrel and are no longer friends.

Which sentence best indicates the story’s message or theme?

Read the excerpt from Catching Sun Rays.

But there is another benefit: switching to renewable energy can create jobs. One environmental group says solar power could mean hundreds of thousands of jobs in the United States. For example, the largest solar farm on the East Coast in New York created more than 200 local construction jobs. And the farm makes enough electricity each year to power 4,500 homes!

Why does the evidence provided in the excerpt make the author’s argument more effective? 

Read the excerpt from Catching Sun Rays.

Solar energy saves money on electric bills, and it also helps our power grid. On August 14, 2003, too many people were using electricity because it was a hot day. Suddenly, all the power went out across the Northeast United States and Canada, and 55 million people were suddenly in the dark! In New York City, people had to walk miles across bridges to get home because there were no trains or subways running. It was an expensive incident for the government and industry. But if we use more solar energy, we will put less pressure on the power grid. That means fewer blackouts.

What kind of evidence does the author use to support the claim that solar energy helps the power grid? 

Read the excerpt from Catching Sun Rays.

But before you can use the sun’s energy, you have to capture it. To do that, you need a solar panel (also known as a PV panel). It’s a flat black board covered with cells of silicon, the same material used to make semiconductor chips in computers. Those silicon cells change the sunlight into an electric current. They also use sunlight to heat water in houses and other buildings.

Based on the excerpt, which would a home owner mostlikely include in an action plan for using solar energy? 

Which best states the author’s argument in Catching Sun Rays?

Read the excerpt from Catching Sun Rays.

1. Governments and power companies know that solar power is good, so they are also building big solar power plants to keep up with demand. 2. The best place to do that is the Mojave Desert, which covers parts of Arizona, California, Nevada, and Utah. 3. The area gets twice as much sunlight as other parts of the United States. 4. The Mojave is home to the largest solar power installation in the world.

Which sentence best supports the author’s claim that the best place to build solar power plants is the Mojave Desert?

Read the excerpt from Catching Sun Rays.

Governments and power companies know that solar power is good, so they are also building big solar power plants to keep up with demand. The best place to do that is the Mojave Desert, which covers parts of Arizona, California, Nevada, and Utah. The area gets twice as much sunlight as other parts of the United States. The Mojave is home to the largest solar power installation in the world.

Based on the excerpt, which would a business person most likely include in an action plan for building a new solar power plant?

The author tells the story of the field trip from Shania’s point of view in Shania’s Diary so that

Read the excerpt from Shania’s Diary.

Mr. Jackson had another one of his “brilliant” ideas today. On Wednesday, he is taking us on a field trip. Here’s the not-so-brilliant part—we’re going to explore the shabby old asphalt schoolyard. What is wrong with that man? That is not a field trip. We are out on that yard every day after lunch, and there is nothing there to explore.

Which of Shania’s character traits does the excerpt reveal? 

How does the author reveal the narrator’s perspective in Shania’s Diary?

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