Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. All the requirements is there and remember pass through grammalry

2. Provide a working definition of “the oppositional gaze,” in your own words. How does this concept help us to think critically about representation, the larger cultural themes, and interventions found within Weems’ work?

**This answer needs to have a four part reply. A definition in your own words of “the oppositional gaze, representation, cultural themes, and interventions found within Weem’s work. INCLUDE ALL.

3. Think critically about and discuss how Weems’ From Here I Saw What Happened and I Cried series (1995) (Links to an external site.) offers an example of how the history of photography can be re-viewed and critiqued through an oppositional gaze.

4. Offer some ideas about how “the oppositional gaze” informs contemporary visual culture. Provide examples from photographs, filmmakers, or artists that seem to be engaging with this concept in their work?

Links to help with responses:


It is ok to use outside sources as long as you cite them properly

All citations should be in MLA. Add in-text citations when applicable

Proofread your work for grammar and clarity before turning in

Each answer should be a MINIMUM OF 3 PARAGRAPHS.

Properly support your answers with examples.

Humanities Homework Help

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