Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. FINAL Research Project

Creating Future Sustainability Leaders:


(Links to an external site.)

Multimodal Research Project Using Adobe Creative Cloud: Spark or Premiere/Sherri Harvey

Learning Outcomes:

* become more knowledgeable about finding and using varied research sources.

* further develop your critical thinking skills and support your points with evidence.

* become more adept at synthesizing information and developing informed views.

* discipline yourself to follow a scholarly research format to document in-text sources and a Works Cited Page

* compose a well organized, clear, concise, research argument to expand your knowledge on a subject …..of your choosing.

Sustainability is a complex concept. The most often quoted definition comes from the UN World Commission on Environment and Development: “sustainable development is the development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” In the charter for the UCLA Sustainability Committee, sustainability is defined as: “the physical development and institutional operating practices that meet the needs of present users without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs, particularly with regard to use and waste of natural resources. Sustainable practices support ecological, human, and economic health and vitality. Sustainability presumes that resources are finite, and should be used conservatively and wisely with a view to long-term priorities and consequences of the ways in which resources are used.” In simplest terms, sustainability is about our children and our grandchildren, and the world we will leave them.


IDEAS: a video production, slideshow with oral, pre-recorded narration, a movie, or any other form of a mixed-media type of project as well. If you have an idea for a project, submit a proposal and plan to discuss this idea with me. I am also open to working in pairs provided you each meet the same requirements as the above assignment.

You will use Adobe Spark, Adobe Premiere Rush or any other Adobe Creative Cloud Tool you find appropriate.

Again, your 3 goals:

1) Current argument with a fresh angle related to sustainability

2) Create a digital product showcasing your findings

3) Demonstrate a general understanding of rhetorical devices and show your ability to synthesize your research.

You don’t have to solve the argument, but you must show two or multiple perspectives.

FIRST STEP: CREATE A RESEARCH QUESTION that you will SHOW in your proposal.

Topic: Your research paper project begins with a fact-finding search on some current issue related to SUSTAINABILITY. After you brainstorm about possible subjects and then select one, narrow your topic down to a manageable issue. Investigate possible approaches to your chosen topic and map out your strategy. (storyboarding: Adobe SPARK page is helpful for this) Your final product will be judged on how well you succeed in producing a well thought- out, clear argument presented multi-modally which shows you can interpret and intelligently discuss the issue and back up your findings with evidence.

Approach: Your project does not have a chance to be substantive unless you have substantive sources. Find 10 VARIED (NOT all Internet sites, for example) sources – including professional journal articles and professional publications, Internet sources, and possibly (but not required) an interview. It is a balancing act to find sources that you can understand – that relate to your level of study in your discipline, and, at the same time, challenge you intellectually.

I do not want you to try and solve a problem or necessarily reach a conclusion. What I am looking for is evidence that you can gather a body of knowledge on a particular subject, narrow it down to a particular focus and show that you can synthesize the information and make some intelligent, insightful observations about the subject. What I don ‘t want is just a regurgitation of information strung together.

YOU WILL NEED A CALL TO ACTION at the end of your project.

Your conclusion should make some “wrap up” statements about what you learned about your chosen topic and the possible impact of your findings on people and perhaps society in general. Also, address any issues that may still not be resolved for you. Don’t be reluctant to address any issues that aren’t easily resolved or have negative or ambiguous outcomes. I am not necessarily looking for a neatly wrapped up conclusion with no loose ends. I am looking for a conscientious, thoughtful look at some topic related to SUSTAINABILITY, sharing of the major significance of this issue, and any unanswered questions, if any, you are still dealing with.

YOUR FINAL PRODUCT NEEDS to CONTAIN: Works-Cited page with 10 sources

Sources: I would suggest using Noodle Tools, Easy Bib or some other citation generator for your Works Cited Page. For example, journals in your major, Internet sources, interviews (no textbooks, please or encyclopedias – unless they are specialized encyclopedias in your field of study and you are using them for definitions of concepts). Check the source of all information for reliability. Is the Internet site sanctioned by a reputable institution or organization? Does the person you interview have credentials and experience with your subject? Does he or she have a built-in bias you need to address in your paper? What biases of your own may you have to be aware of to produce a scholarly look at this subject?

Final advice – HAVE FUN!

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