Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. write a summary

ENGL 1177 – Academic Writing

Informative Summary Assignment: Overview of Assignment

Using the principles discussed in this course, write a well-organized informative summary of ONE of the following essays:

  • The selections (“Prologue” and Chapter 13) from William Harvey: A Life in Circulation, by Thomas Wright, in the Course Reader (essay length is about 3800 words)


  • “The Beauty of Bodysnatching” by Druin Burch, in the Course Reader (essay length is about 3600 words)

Your summary should

  • be 20-25% the length of the original (calculate acceptable length of your summary based on the length of the original essay, noted above).
  • use good principles of sentence structure, paragraph organization, and cohesion.
  • include a word count at the end of your summary.

See the checklist for this assignment, to review all the elements to include in summary.

Submit your final summary by the date shown on the course calendar.

i choosed: “The Beauty of Bodysnatching” by Druin Burch, in the Course Reader (essay length is about 3600 words)

Tips for Creating a More Effective 1177 Summary Assignment

1 Remember first of all that your summary should be an essay in itself, with its own introduction, body (comprising three or more paragraphs), and conclusion.

2 In the introduction of your summary you should take care to introduce the author and the title of the work you’re summarizing, and to give an overall idea of the work’s main ideas. Make sure to spell name and title correctly!

3 Remember also (and this is an important point not mentioned in the Checklist) to keep the author “in the frame” as you continue to summarize; so, for example, if the author’s name is Sheila Jones, in the body of your essay you’d have signal phrases such as “Jones explains,” “according to the author,” “in Jones’s view,” “she then introduces the idea of…” etc. In other words, your summary should not just offer a bald presentation of the ideas in the text, but should show them through an account of the author’s process. In this respect, the summary of Stolberg’s “For the Infertile…” offered on pp. 40-41 of the Behrens article in the Course Reader is not entirely satisfactory (!), as it mentions the author only twice overall, whereas the summary of Edwards’ “Understand” offered in Summary-Writing Self-Test #5 in our Content area provides a better example, referencing the author at least once in each paragraph.

4 Don’t just bring your summary to a dead stop at the author’s last idea. Create a little concluding paragraph (even if only a sentence) in which, for example, you remind us in some way of the author’s perspective.

5 Just represent the author’s ideas (in your own words); don’t add any opinion or critique of your own at this time.

6 Do it at least a day in advance, and then take a walk or get some sleep.

7 Finally, don’t forget to proofread for subject-verb agreement, complete sentences, etc., and then submit it to the Dropbox on the course website.

8> Write in APA format: Title Page. Summary. Reference.

i have attacjed the book cover for reference and reading

do not include nay reference except this.

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